June 30 - Starts with "M"
Mmmmm... mouth. Mouth starts with "M".
But really grandpa did we have to go inside the mouth to figure that out?
Those are really big T-Rex teeth!

June 29 - Happy
Happiness is...
Having your wish of camping in Grandma and Grandpa's trailer come true.
Then finding out the journey's destination includes dinosaurs at the end.

June 28 - Little
A little escape scene
Created using a little imagination
And a little prop.

June 27 - Organize
The end of a school year is a parade of organization.
Here are some students files moving along.
Believe it or not they really are extremely organized.
Every colour has a particular meaning;
and every paper has a particular purpose and order.

June 26 - Tell a Story
Now this is a story all about how
a little girl likes to splash around.
And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there
and imagine the mud from her toes to her hair!

June 25 - Word
Umm...I hate to correct the computer teacher but...
I don't think this is how they mean for you to use Microsoft word. 😬

June 24 - Splash
Muddy Puddles! Muddy Puddles!
This one speaks for itself.

June 23 - Fresh Fruit
BANANANA or 😝...
Mah mama na mahna mah namwomp mwomp
ma mo mo mana mo
mahna mahna
(ba dee bedebe)
mahna mahna
(ba debe dee)
mahna mahna!
(ba dee bedebe bedebe badebe debe de-de de-de-de)
BANANANA or 😝...
Mah mama na mahna mah namwomp mwomp
ma mo mo mana mo
mahna mahna
(ba dee bedebe)
mahna mahna
(ba debe dee)
mahna mahna!
(ba dee bedebe bedebe badebe debe de-de de-de-de)

June 22 - Sunflare
Well it’s rainy as all get out here in Calgary today so I had to get a little creative.
Well it’s rainy as all get out here in Calgary today so I had to get a little creative.
This sun flare is actually the stage lights in my theatre.

June 21 - Three
🎹🎷🎼One, two, three you can barely see me;🥁🎺🎸
underneath that pink peony. 🎶🎵

June 20 - Multicoloured
Beautiful summer flowers in all sorts of colours.

June 19 - What Is It?
The exterior of my home is green.
The interior of my home is red.
I have white walls.
I like to keep my babies snuggled in tight.
What am I?
(See the second picture if you are stumped.)

June 18 - Upside Down
Ever look at the handfuls of weeds roots when you pull them up from the ground?

June 17 - Home
More Perspectives from the Petting Zoo
Following yesterdays theme...
"Yes, I am home. Is there something I can do for you?"

June 16 - Perspective
Perspectives from the Petting Zoo
"Well hello. Are you here to feed me?"
Ever wonder what an animal thinks when it sees a toddler coming at it?
This little one seems to be quiet happy to see someone it's own size coming near.
June 15 - Bokeh
Not true bokeh but a bokeh app that I was
playing around with my students with.

June 14 - Reading
Believe it or not old fashioned books
are still a thing in schools;
and junior high students still read them.
Our fabulous school librarian is a treasure
taking care of these treasures.

June 13 - Laughter
She looks like she's laughing doesn't she?

June 12 - Opposites
Salt and pepper,
Dark and light,
White and black.

June 11 - Street Photography
The afternoon rush.
Run away it's after school;
busses are so very cool;
ride them home, have a good night
come back in the morning light.

June 10 - Fashion
When the manufactured parts for the project you are working on don't work -
fashion your own parts!

June 9 - Strong
That metal was much stronger than it looked.

June 8 - Luxury
Slushy drinks in the sunshine on a Friday after work.

June 7 - Clean
Crystal clean

June 6 - Strangers
There is no substitute for a great substitute!
Thank heavens for strangers in our building.
Some days you just don't have what it takes to face 30 teenagers
so we have these angel guests called subs.
This guest teacher was in for one of our staff members today;
so I asked her if I could take her portrait for today's project.
Subs really will do anything to help :)

June 5 - Green
A little portrait session with one of my favorite girls.
Thought I would play around with some colour splash.

June 4 - Location
"Not all those who wander are lost." - J. R. R.Tolkien
Go to a location where you can wander and not be lost;
wonder and not worry;
be content and not hurry.

June 3 - Peaceful
"The mountains will bring peace to the people." - Psalm 72:3 NKJV

June 2 - Charming
On a Sunday drive through beautiful Kananaskis we came upon this charming little lodge.
Mount Engadine Lodge is located at the base of Mount Engadine and Mount Shark
in Spray Lakes Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada.
It backs onto an amazing animal corridor so viewing opportunities are boundless.
Can't wait to book some time well spent at this charming inn.

June 1 - Culture
As a Canadian of many, many generations
I decided to focus on a cultural shot closer to home.