April 30 - Lens Flare
A little help for the sun.
Just read an article on how to use a CD to create lens flare.
Just a coincidence that the project today was lens flare.
Thought I would give it a try.

April 29 - Mirror
Nature's Mirror
Nothing like an old bird checkin' herself out.
"Do I look fat in this?"
Check out picture 2 for the reaction she had to her husband's response.

April 28 - Sidewalk
Little feet climbing down the big stairs on the sidewalk.

April 27 - Children
Children collaborate and cooperate.
How many children does it take to edit one video?

April 26 - Flowers
No real flowers blooming here yet.
Still in the snow and cold - bah humbug!
Thought I would use this flower that the kids in class love using as one of their props.
It seemed anti-climactic on it's own so I added in the mask for interest.
April 25 - Hard
Keeping props separated for 10 different groups of students.
Spring show is next week for our performing arts students.
10 different mini performances =
A nightmare of props organization.

April 24 - Action
Action from the skies equals lack of action in the schoolyard.
Are you sure it's spring??
April 23 - Can't Live Without
Water - a transparent and nearly colorless chemical substance
that is the main constituent of Earth's streams, lakes, and oceans.
Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface.
It is vital for all known forms of life.
A precious resource that we must all treasure, and respect.

April 22 - What I Did Today
Babies Day Out
A fun day with my grand babies.
Went to the indoor playground first.
Then out to dinner and a movie family event at our church.
So Much Fun!!

April 21 - Mistake
Grandma's Mistake
So, I thought it was a good idea to let her try painting for craft time.
I didn't mean for it to be body paint. LOL

April 20 - Sunset
Sunset's have been in short supply around our area because clouds are plentiful.
Necessity is the mother of invention so here is my invention.
This shot is the result of moderate sunset taken with a rainbow filter.

April 19 - Four things
Well ok so this is one thing four times.
Not quite the same but a fun result from playing with filters.

April 18 - You
Peek-a-Boo I See You
hiding behind that tree.
The use of a shallow depth of field creates an interesting juxtaposition in the central focus of this shot.
As your eye is drawn from right to left with the focus and perspective you can't help but notice
the person beside the tree who is central to the photo.

April 17 - Fresh
A central focus of fresh green spring growth
poking it's head out of the ground.
Spring is coming - hold on....

April 16 - Frames
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
These gentleman going for a walk are perfectly framed in the light at the end of the tunnel.
The exposure was just right for inside the tunnel but then of course blew out what was beyond.
Purposely exposed to emphasize the frame and the light at the end of the tunnel I was pleased with the result.

April 15 - Money
Had some time to try something new today;
So I built myself a light box to do my project in.
Not bad for a DIY.
My subject though is interesting in itself I think.
Money that is no longer in circulation.

April 14 - My Favorite Place
A favourite place is all in the perspective.
Curled up with a good book is one of my favourite places.
How to take a selfie when both of your hands are occupied though - that's real talent.
Did you know your headphone volume button can act as a shutter button...
And your teeth can be used to click it!

April 13 - White
Now that's gonna make a whole lot of really yummy quiche.
Not your typical foodie picture for this project.
April 12 - Shoes
Late for Class!
I wanted to capture the rush of class change as
students run down the stairs by my class.
It may have caused a little havoc as was I sitting on the floor in the hall,
and students were worried that I had fallen down.
You would think they would be used to me doing strange things by now :)!
April 10 - Hands
These are intense hands.
Opposing team members both grasp the ball during an intense game in gym class.
Notice the tight grip of the student on the left.
Guess who ended up with the ball?
April 9 - Repetition
Repetition in moderation.
I could definitely repeat eating this yummy snack.
Wonderful meringue cookies from
Just Sweet Enough Diabetic Bakery & Health Foods!

April 9 - Clean
Spring cleaning is a real thing; even in the animal kingdom.
This cute little Downy Woodpecker is very busy cleaning himself to get spruced up for spring.
Shot at 1/1000 sec at f/16 ISO 1600 with a 400mm lens.

April 8 - Spring
Out with the old and in with the new.
This bullrush is shedding his winter fur and making way for the soft new coat underneath.
Shot at 1/4000 at f/5.6 ISO 800 with a 400mm lens - because I was too lazy to change lenses :)

April 7 - Birds
I love shooting birds but what sets one shot apart from the others.
Capturing the personality of birds makes the shot unique.
These two Canadian geese must be an old married couple.
Look at the one giving the other what for...
I love the crispness of the birds with the luminescent water and rocks.
(Okay a little photoshop twerk here.)

April 6 - Morning
The view outside my bedroom window when I woke up this morning!

April 5 - The Middle
I love the depth of field and clarity in this photo.
I wanted to create something which was very symmetrical
yet had something to draw the focus to the middle.
Success I think?

April 4 - Old
A very precious old book that was grandfathers.
This was his Sunday missal for church that he used in 1951.

April 3 - Smell
Wafting through the air the heavenly scent of beautiful Gardenia's.
How do you bring summer inside when the weather is cold?

April 2 - Panning
Time to learn a technique I have never tried before.
Thank goodness for my grandson's toy cars.
Lots of practice gave me a reasonable result.
This is definitely a technique that requires practice.

April 1 - Trees
So much for spring!
I would say the snow is beautiful but...
Well ok- it's still beautiful but honestly enough already.
Fun taking the picture up through the tree with the snow falling on my lens though.
I love the depth this effect created.