July 31 - Your View
The alley behind my house.

July 30 - Art
It is definitely a work of art when a 2 year old decides to
decorate a sugar cookie with icing and "sparkle" candies.

July 29 - Sweet
After 22 years he still brings me roses -
now that's sweet.

July 28 - Pink
Pink is for cute little pink pig noses.

July 27 - Busy
How to keep those little ones busy...get a Eason pass to @calgarycornmaze!
A lovely day on the farm.

July 26 - Simplicity
Water in a glass.

July 25 - Intersection
At the crossroads of busy and completely insane -
The Calgary Zoo on a beautiful summer day where several paths meet.

July 24 - Fear
Not my most stellar picture,
but honestly your lucky it's here!
I can't even look at a picture of them in a book.
Yet, here I am for this silly photography project
bringing myself to actually take a picture of one.

July 23 - Bridge
There is a little place that I know
over 11 bridges you need to go.
Follow the road down
to the peaceful little town
in the Drumheller valley called Wayne.

July 22 - Music
Oh, the music goes 'round and around, whoa
And it comes out here! - Tommy Dorsey
And it comes out here! - Tommy Dorsey

July 21 - Relax
Chillin' with the puppy and feelin' fine.

July 20 - Hot
What's that cooking in the microwave?

July 19 - Flowers
It's all in the definition -
a rose by any other name is a...
dandelion in the sun!

July 18 - HDR
At least the hospital room we are stuck spending our time in
has a wonderful view for the magnificent
thunder storm tonight.

July 17 - Wide Angle
Looking up to our wide open blue Alberta skies!

July 16 - Smooth
Reflections of architecture in a smooth glass lens ball.

July 15 - Grass
When toddlers explore the world the everyday
becomes wondrous and extraordinary.

July 14 - Ring
Emerging from her cocoon
this beautiful moth
has bright yellow rings around her abdomen
to compliment the hints of yellow on her fore and hind wings.

July 13 - Card
When the little one you love has trouble communicating;
when those non-verbal moments are too much too bear;
visual aide cards with key words
make it a little easier to understand his needs.
Made with love by Grandma and Grandpa to make the days a little easier.

July 12 - Path
Spend your days well. Wander many paths.

July 11 - Glasses
A little inspiration with todays photo.

July 10 - Two
Two little pelicans sitting in the sea...
well ok it's a river but that didn't rhyme.

July 9 - Red
The last of the eight days for my focus on colour section of my 365 project and the colour is red.
I really dreaded this series of topics when I saw them on the calendar.
In the end I loved the project and feel the images were a success.

July 8 - Plum
Day seven of my focus on colour section of my 365 project and the colour is plum.
Truth behold I thought I would run "plum" out of ideas long before I got to today.
Honestly though I am actually quite pleased with the images I have created through this project.
One more day to go.

July 7 - Blueberry
Up to day six of my focus on colour section of my 365 project and the colour is blueberry.

July 6 - Lemon
On this fifth day of focus on colour section of my 365 project the colour is lemon.
It was a challenge to figure out how to use the colour lemon in a landscape type photo.
I thought the use of the colour as a colour pop in this image created an interesting moody effect.

July 5 - Apricot
It's odd how some colours bring out the dramatic in an image.
Today is the fourth day of the section of my 365 project which focuses on colour.
Today's colour is apricot.
Driving through the countryside on a stormy day can be dramatic on it's own.
Add an apricot filter onto the image and the scene takes on a whole new level of dramatic.

July 4 - Rose
Seeing the past through rose coloured glasses.
Sometimes when we think at days gone by we glorify them.
We remember them with a skewed perspective that warps the reality of the tough times.
I love this shot and it's story about the realities embedded in the rosy memories that we hold dear.
Look close; past the beauty; past the grandeur;
find the bits of reality creeping through the cracks of our memories.
It sounds depressing but it is not meant to be so.
Only by viewing our past with clear vision can we evaluate where we have been;
and look to where we want to go.
Today is the third day of the section of my 365 project which focuses on colour.
Today's colour is rose.

July 3 - Black
Today is the second day of the section of my 365 project which focuses on colour.
Today's colour is black.
Black and white photos vary greatly in style, contrast and the use of tones through the grey scale.
Today I focused particularly on the use of the grey scale and
making sure the blackest area of the photo was the train bridge.
This train bridge is no longer in service.
It was used long ago in the coal mining industry to transport coal to market
from my great grandfather's coal mine the Western Commercial
in the town of Wayne in the Drumheller Valley.

July 2 - Lavender
Today is the second day of the section of my 365 project which focuses on colour.
Today's colour is Lavender.
Believe it or not there are many shades of lavender.
This image focuses on the use of three hues
lavender, English lavender and deep lavender
to create this surrealistic purple world.

July 1 - Sky Blue
For the next 9 days my 365 project focuses on words which could all be interpreted as colours.
I am inspired to seize the opportunity to explore a concept I have been visualizing.
I saw an artists project not long ago which featured landscapes where the colours were very surreal.
I would like to follow the inspiration of that artist to create my own landscape series featuring colour.
Today's is quite realistic as it was an easy landscape colour - sky blue.