JUne 30 - The Last Person You See Today
So lucky to be able to camp with my very best friend and cousin;
And her amazing little girl.
Couldn't think of a better way to kick off summer
And celebrate 🇨🇦 150.

June 29 - Art
This is what happens when students
Artistic visions of a school become a reality!
Learning inspired!

June 28 - Journalism
Blending of the ages.
Some industries have seen a lot of change.

June 27 - Road Signs
Some road signs I hope not to see very often in the near future -
The ones that mark my way to work.
Time for summer break and some road signs that mark a different path.
What are the road signs in your life that mark your daily path?

June 26 - Macro
Usually my idea of macro is closer up than this.
However today's macro project was irresistible.
These were the flowers my 3 year old grandson brought for me.
It was a moment that needed preserved for memory.
Therefore it became today's macro shot!

June 25 - Hair
A silhouette against my soft box
with a little Lightroom twerk.

June 24 - Peace
To stop for a moment from the busyness of world;
to pause and watch the water flow;
to hear nothing but the sounds of nature.

June 23 - Nature
The details in nature are phenomenal.
Take some time today to pause and wonder in the details of our beautiful world.

June 22 - Twilight
I love the moment of when the twilight is strong enough that my little garden lights turn on.

June 21 - Letters
While we were at the park on the weekend I say a sign that declared DREAM!
Ok so it was really part of another sign but still...
I loved how it declared the message to dream against the beautiful sunny sky.
The blue of the sign matched so beautifully the blue of the sky that
it seems like the sky was shining through the sign.
In this photo it looks like the sign is laid over top of the sky photo but it is not.
The use of focal length, clarity and luminescence created this dreamy effect for the word DREAM!

June 20 - Portrait
A fun portrait of my son-in-law just because.
The sun was harsh and bright and the shadows were strong.
Usually squinting against the sun and harsh shadows are very undesirable in a portrait;
yet; somehow I think it works in this portrait.
I love the smile, the twinkle in his eye and the warm feeling of the sunlight that is obvious because of the shadows.

June 19 - Where I Come From
On this beautiful Father's Day weekend
in Canada's 150th year I was inspired to blend a picture of a few things
that make my home a special place.
The theme of this photo is "Where I Come From."
This photo is a multiple exposure blended composite with
the most prominent image being a picture of Calaway Park.
This park is definitely a big part of where I come from.
Having grown up in Calgary, Calaway park has been a part of my growing up;
my children's growng up;
and now my grandchildren's growing up!
Three generations of "Just for Fun!"
In the background is an image of the Calgary skyline;
my hometown born and raised!
Finally an image of the Canadian Flag prominently and proudly flying above all.

June 18 - Father
A fun filled family weekend with some of my favourite people.
Nothing is more fun than spending time with the babies -
but what would they be without the fathers!
In these two photos are two of the greatest fathers I know -
my husband and my son-in-law with the little ones that are so precious to them both!

June 17 - Window
These beautiful stain glass windows are located in my church.
Today was the Feast of Corpus Christi which means; "The Body of Christ".
The central focus in the window is the Holy Eucharist which represents
to Catholics everywhere the Body of Christ.
It just so happened on this feast day
that several children of the parish received the sacrament of First Holy Communion.
What a coincidence that today's photo theme was a window
and that this window was so symbolic to what today was all about at church.
That is some serious thematic cross-over!

June 16 - Six Things
On the first day of our fun filled Father's Day weekend
we were playing "table toys" with our grandchildren while waiting for dinner to cook.
Who would have known how long such silly little things could keep a one year old occupied for.
A Tupperware and 6 pompoms kept her busy for 30 minutes.
One pom pom at a time into the hole in the top of the Tupperware.
When all six are in; dump them out and do it again.
6 things - 6000 times !!!!

June 15 - Warm
The photographic forecast predicts a WARM
Beautiful day under the shade of my
Maple tree.

June 14 - Broken
Time to call the plumber!
The outside tap is leaking inside!

June 13 - Shutter Speed of 1/60
What does a glass of water overflowing
from a tap look like at 1/60 of a second.
Well it looks like this....

June 12 - H is for....

June 11 - Yellow
Pretty, delicate little flowers.
Shot with 100mm macro lens
and a very shallow depth of field.

June 10 - Garden
Some happy little gargoyles
have made my garden their home.

June 9 - Background
Tonights strawberry moon inspired this fanciful composition.
It made a beautiful background for this fun photoshop project.

June 8 - Calm
Just what I need near the end of the school year;
A little stress relief.
June 7 - Evening
A beautiful summer evening in my backyard.
With the beautiful bright moon centered just right.

June 6 - High Angle
Going for the reflection below I shot from high.
Just a cute little Minnie and Mickey drivin by!

June 5 - Your Name
I thought it would be good to put my name within a context.
Who I am at school.
My school nametag and lanyard.
The lanyard proclaims our school motto.
The keys to my little world within the school.
The ram - well that's just a little gift from a student - had to put it to good use.

June 4 - Colourful
Having fun with the magnetic letters the grandkids have on my fridge.
Taken at 100mm, ISO 400, f2.8 at 1/13 sec;
then into photoshop for a little bit of fun!
June 3 - Before and After
This one speaks for itself.
Out for dinner at Swiss Chalet with the Reinhart clan
for my mother-in-laws 86th birthday.
Just to be clear this was my HUSBAND'S very full/empty plate; not mine.

June 2 - Noisy
Nothing is noisier than a stairwell in a junior high on a Friday afternoon in June. 😖

June 1 - Together|
A cheesy selfie for fun
while enjoying ourselves at
Country Hills Toyota C-HR Launch Party!
Some lovely wine and tasty snacks for a fun night
- and a bonus running into an old friend.