April 30 - Night Time
Star bright,
Star light,
First star I see tonight.
April 29 - Candles
"Look at how a single candle can both defy
and define the darkness." - Anne Frank

April 28 - Bugs Up Close
Well it's April and there aren't many bugs yet;
especially because of our long, long winter.
So we take as close as we can get when we take a quick snap of the few we see.
This is the first butterfly I have seen this spring.

April 27 - Clouds
Now those are the kinds of clouds I like to see.
Blue sky all the way with only vapour trails disrupting the blue.

April 26 - Flowers
We are finally getting beautiful weather.
Beautiful enough for my photography class to go outside for a shooting project.
Not however, beautiful enough for any flowers to be blooming.
We did however find this "flower".
A random piece of metal in the field that was clearly cut in the shape of a flower.
We'll take it!

April 25 - Textiles
I felt like posting this today. LOL

April 24 - Trees
Dreaming of the moment when the leaves spring forth.

April 23 - Growth
Look close; use your macro lens;
finally some new spring growth is beginning to appear.

April 22 - Tools
I saw a saw saw.

April 21 - Time
"Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future!"
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
Into the future!"
- Steve Miller Band

April 20 - Silhouette
So I was walking along when all of a sudden I heard a loud roar.
When I looked back I saw a large...
Toddler looking up at this dinosaur in
the Calgary Zoo dinosaur park.

April 19 - Wild
This beautiful sleeping bear doesn't look very wild; does he?
Bear season is upon us - be bear aware.

April 18 - Circles
Round and green;
Does this mean;
Is spring about to spring??

April 17 - Motion
How fast can you get out of a dinosaurs mouth?

April 16 - Water
Despite it seeming like never ending winter
there I a little evidence to the contrary if you look close.
A little water amidst the ice.

April 15 - Earth
One of natures earth movers...
Meerkats are built for digging and even have a special membrane
that can cover the eye to protect it while burrowing.

April 14 - Metal
When a photographer is stuck wandering around Home Depot what do they do??
They do their project of the day!!
and get very odd looks from the staff. 😏

April 13 - Colouful
Life won’t sparkle unless you do!
Vibrancy in colour is such an extraordinary element
In modern photography.

April 12 - Doors and Windows
For today's photographic project I choose a window.
This is the window of my classroom through which you can see the flag at half mast;
flown in recognition of the lives impacted Humboldt tragedy.
#ccsd_edu #calgarycatholicschooldistrict #halfmast
#humboldt #humboltbroncos #humboldtstrong #jerseyday #greenandgold

April 11 - Monochrome
Monochromatic color schemes are derived from a single base hue and extended using its shades, tones and tints. ... That means according to science the true monochromatic images can be strictly created only of shades of one color fading to black.

April 10 - Grafitti

April 9 - Shapes
It's slinky! It's slinky!
for photos the best for the shape!
It's slinky! It's slinky!
The circles they can not escape!

April 8 - Emotions
Not really sure if the project itself was about an emotion - happiness - the flower is smiling....
or if the creation of the project was about the emotion at the time - boredom...
or is it about the joy of the opportunity to be bored enough for 2 hours
to actually create this bizarre little composite photo.

April 7 - Sunsets of Sunrises
In the Frozen Land of Make Believe
It is April and supposedly spring but with a windchill of below -20C
I can no longer face the weather outside; not even for a photo project.
So warm and toasty inside I began to ponder how I could fake a sunset shot.
I created a little world of make believe of a place I would rather be.
I included my set up shot so you could see what I took
verses what I created.

April 6 - Textures
Underside of a pinecone.

April 5 - Favorite Lens
Can you guess?

April 4 - Social Issues
If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,
it cannot save the few who are rich. - John F. Kennedy

April 3 - Setup Scenes
Lots of the photographic magic happens behind the scenes.
The thing that surprised me the most as I ventured into my life as a photographer
was how long it could take to set up a particular shot;
and how important it was to take the time to get that right.
The first shot is what I set out to capture...
the second shot is what I set out to take!

April 2 - Vintage Signs
As Mother Nature is confused and thinks it is still winter;
and I am on Easter break from school;
I refuse to leave the house.
Therefore the only vintage sign around my home is this old license plate.
Who says packrat husbands aren't useful. 😜

April 1 - Easter Traditions
Dying Eater eggs is a tradition for many.
This year the dyers were a particular two and tree year old
making the event particularly exciting.
Stay tuned tomorrow for pictures of the dying play by play.
For now here is a picture of some of their successful artistic results.
I stole the idea for he photo from @allisondaviesphotography
and would like to thank her for the inspiration form her beautiful post the other day.