November 30 - Friends
When teenage girls encounter their best friends.

November 29 - City
Morning in the city.

November 28 - Winter is Coming
How do I know?
Well in our performing arts department,
We know because we begin preparing
For our annual Christmas concert.

November 27 - Timing
It takes a fair bit of timing
To get a herd of teenagers to jump off the stairs all at the same time;
While you take their picture with a slightly long shutter speed
To show the motion.

November 26 - Light
A beautiful bit of stained glass against the
Bright light of the sky.

November 25 - Trees
Wanted to try a different perspective on a tree -
Didn’t turn out to be one of my favourites at all;
But sometimes like I tell my students...
Time is up and you just have to go with what you have.

November 24 - Books
A beautiful Shakespeare collection
That I am lucky enough to have in my possession.

November 23 - Backlit
I really wanted to create an image that pushed the idea of backlit
Beyond the standard silhouette.
No it’s not a sun or moon...
No it’s not a window...
A little glass ornament in front of a stage light.
I was pleased with the results for sure.

November 22 - Favourite Drink
"Java Blues... coffee's got me
Java Blues... coffee coffee coffee
Java Blues... well the coffee's got me
Java Blues... coffee coffee coffee!"
Java Blues... coffee coffee coffee
Java Blues... well the coffee's got me
Java Blues... coffee coffee coffee!"
- Rick Danko

November 21 - After
After we have played with BB8 too long;
we all kind of lose our heads. 🤪🤣

November 20 - Chaos
= life with toddlers!

November 19 - Macro
As a photographer I am always working on focus and details.
No better test of those skills than a single close up of an eye.

November 18 - A Place
My home and native land - Oh Canada!
A patriotic pinwheel spinning;
caught with a slow shutter speed.

November 17 - Blue
Blue on blue with a little shutter drag.

November 16 - Something I Love About Today...
Morning coffee at work.
Starting the day with friends makes the day brighter.

November 15 - Black
“I love the silent hour of night,
For blissful dreams may then arise,
Revealing to my charmed sight
What may not bless my waking eyes.”
― Anne Brontë
For blissful dreams may then arise,
Revealing to my charmed sight
What may not bless my waking eyes.”
― Anne Brontë

November 14 - 5 O'Clock
In our world 5 O'clock means tubie time. Today was a little different though.
Isaac's NG tube was recently replaced through surgery with a g-tube.
Today was the day grandma and grandpa got to learn how to use his emergency g-tube replacement kit.

November 13 - Part of Me
Decided to go literal with this theme and think a little out of the box.
Something most people don't take a picture of....
their ear. 😂

November 12 - I Collect...
Fabric.... of course with the intention of sewing with it.
As we all know though...
Collecting fabric and
sewing with fabric are two totally different hobbies.

November 11 - P Is For....
I know P is supposed to be for Peace today;
but those of you who have been following the story of my darling grandson
you know that we are waging our own little war against epilepsy and it's explosive fallout.
So today...
in my war...
P is for Pig!
This is the first letter that Isaac truly has connected from alphabet to word!
"Isaac what is P for...."
"P is for Pig Grandma!"
Using multiple strategies for several hours....
a video about pigs and p is for pig;
while holding the letter p from the magnetic set;
and playing with a little toy pig all at the same time;
the neurons fired and the connections were made!!!

November 10 - In my House...
A little chaos rearranging things.
Thank goodness for wonderful sisters and their families!

November 9 - Parallel Lines
Those rails have to be perfectly parallel
or the train will run off the tracks.

November 8 - Pattern
Amaze me by getting the little green ball to follow
the pattern of this yellow and black maze.
Don't be fooled by the pattern of the lights
reflecting on the surface.

November 7 - Striped
A rainbow striped unicorn hair bow for you viewing pleasure.

November 6 - Space
A flashback to one of my first attempts at astro photography.

November 5 - Fluffy
Soft, fluffy and warm.
Nothing better than a towel straight from the dryer for your morning shower.

November 4 - Outside
A picturesque foggy drive to Rosebud, Alberta.

November 3 - Rough
Soft and yellow fresh to eat;
Near the harvest flash freeze to beat.
Now the corn is harsh and rough;
The farmers season was very tough.

November 2 - A Moment
Still and quiet in the early morning fog we rise to take on a new day.

November 1 - A Wish
That the haunted house that sported this awesomeness was my house.