August 31 - Tall
A beautiful water fountain at Butchart Gardens
towers above the pretty pink flowers.

August 30 - Square
In my younger years every time we went to Butchart Gardens
my father would take a picture of the gardens through this window on the hill.
He was my photographic mentor, my inspiration, and my reason for becoming a photographer.
Spending time now in the gardens is bittersweet.
During my time there this summer I couldn't resist taking this one for Dad.

August 29 - Geometry
The definition of geometry is, " a branch of math that focuses on the measurement and
relationship of lines,angles, surfaces, solids and points."
We tend to think of squares, triangles and circles when we think of geometry.
But what about math in nature?
Think for a minute about the magnificent geometry in this butterflies wings.
Mathematicians any equations to solve this one?
#beautyinnature #naturalmath #naturesmath #geometryinnature

August 28 - Transportation
What can you do when you are stuck in a traffic jam that feels so long
you think you have done nothing but go in a big circle?
Take a panorama and create a little planet photo
to express your feelings photographically.

August 27 - Smoke/Fire
That isn’t clouds and the white in the landscape isn’t water.
Those are glaciers and it’s all smoke from the wildfires blazing in our beautiful British Columbia.

August 23 – Children
Lessons children teach us - Simply whirl through life at the speed of a carrousel, hanging on for the ride with a smile on your face.
Lessons children teach us - Simply whirl through life at the speed of a carrousel, hanging on for the ride with a smile on your face.

August 25 - Frame
The animal overpasses in Banff national park sure make a pretty frame for the highway and the vehicles.
The animal overpasses in Banff national park sure make a pretty frame for the highway and the vehicles.

August 24th – Edited
A little peak at ocean life. See shot #2 for the original photo.
A little peak at ocean life. See shot #2 for the original photo.

August 23 – Children
Lessons children teach us -
Simply whirl through life at the speed of a carrousel,
hanging on for the ride with a smile on your face.

August 22 - Reflection
Fire in the sky - no not the sun. It is the smoke from all the forest fires.
It might be terrible to breathe but it makes for stunning photos.

August 21 – Sound
In the silence of the vast wilderness listen.
Listen close.
Take the time to stop, to pause, to hear.
Tap, tap, rat-a-tat-tat.
Find the beauty that you seek by pausing, by listening,
by just for a moment only focusing on being.

August 20 - Road
“For I must be travelling on, now because there’s too many places I’ve got to see.” - Lynyrd Skynyrd (Free Bird)
A beautiful hike that turned out to be just a little more adventurous than we had intended.
Somewhere around the equivalent of 30 flights of stairs in elevation.
Might not of been quite so bad if the air was not full of smoke from all the forest fires.
Still we were successful and it was a beautiful view of an ocean Cove at
Galland Tod provincial park on Vancouver Island.

August 19 – Bracelet
The bracelet of the Ents. Watch him as he puts his arm straight through his beautifully adorned wooden bracelet.
The bracelet of the Ents. Watch him as he puts his arm straight through his beautifully adorned wooden bracelet.

August 18 – Vintage
And to end the evening a little trip to a star party at the centre of the universe
formally known as the Royal astronomical Society of Canada.
This vintage telescope (over 100 years old) was the star of our evening.
The photo is a composite of my own astrophotography with a picture I took as they opened the ceiling.

August 17 - Friends
A tribute to thank all our friends, our brothers, our sisters, our moms and dads,
all those dear to our hearts who have sacrificed so much to protect
and defend our beautiful country and its people.

August 16 - Evening
A beautiful evening walk down on the shore.
A beautiful evening walk down on the shore.

August 15 - Ready
This gentleman is clearly ready. Ready to catch the big one?
Ready to stand around all day and catch nothing?
Ready to make up a big fish story?

August 14 - Messy
No explanation required.
No explanation required.

August 13 - Goals
Summer goal achieved!
We made it!
Arrived in Comox to see this little handful of sunshine.

August 12 - Fresh
As fresh and refreshing as it gets. A lovely evening in Butchart’s beautiful gardens.
Taking some time to take some deep breathes, smell the roses,
and shoot some long exposures of the beautifully lit gardens.

August 11 - Pair
A Pair of Pigeons for your Perusal.
A Pair of Pigeons for your Perusal.

August 10 - Spoons
... or mirrors?
Reflections on the ferry on the way to Vancouver island.
... or mirrors?
Reflections on the ferry on the way to Vancouver island.

August 9 - Yourself
Yup that’s me. On the Cliff walk at Capilano.
In order to accomplish today’s project I let my dear hubby press the shutter for me.

August 8 - Symmetry
Engineering perfection.
Engineering perfection.

August 7 - Energy
The energy of a wildfire in BC and the energy and of those who fight it.
The energy of a wildfire in BC and the energy and of those who fight it.

August 6- Water
Went to a place called “Jewel Lake” to work on some landscape photography with my new filters.
Picture 1 - What I wanted the lake to look like since it was called “Jewel”.
Picture 2- What the lake really looked like.
The filtered pic used two graduated filters; a purple one for the bottom half and a blue one for the top.

August 5 – S is for…
Pretty raven up so high;
Off into the big blue sky.
Pretty raven up so high;
Off into the big blue sky.

August 5 - Half
When a deer decides he wants to be your friend you can only get 1/2 of him in your frame
when you are shooting with 100mm lens.

August 3 - Fast Shutter
Today's math question....
If a photographer is in a car going 100km an hour
and wants to take a picture of a still object
what shutter speed does the photographer need to use
in order to keep the subject in focus?

August 2 - Narrow Aperture
Today's picture is the same as yesterdays except it is shot with a narrow aperture of f22.
Notice the difference in how much of the photo is in focus.
As a result of the narrower aperture we have a much wider depth of field.
The aperture setting is measured in f-stop values, with apertures such as f/1.4 and f/2.8 being wide apertures, as they have the widest opening and let in the most light. Apertures with higher f-stop numbers (f/11, f/16 and so on) are referred as small, or narrow.

August 1 - Wide Aperture
The aperture setting is measured in f-stop values, with apertures such as f/1.4 and f/2.8 being wide apertures, as they have the widest opening and let in the most light. Apertures with higher f-stop numbers (f/11, f/16 and so on) are referred as small, or narrow.
Todays picture uses an aperture of f1.8.
Tomorrows picture will be the same picture but shot with a narrow aperture for comparison.