March 31 - Street Portraits
Chillin' on a park bench
during a walk in our amazing urban park - Nose Hill.

March 30 - Urban Exploration
Looking Past
Look past the snow, to a building far away, from a time long ago.
The building is the Alberta Hotel, originally built 1888-90 and is a sandstone building within the
Stephen Avenue National Historic District of downtown Calgary.
This particular building once housed the medical office of my great-grandfather.
Now how is that for urban exploration and exploring your past.

March 29 - Digital
“Lovers of print are simply confusing the plate for the food.”
― Douglas Adams
― Douglas Adams
I may not agree completely with this quote however;
Most of my photography is certainly only of a digital format.
How the times have changed.

March 28 - Curves
Musical Reflections
Nothing has more curves than a French horn.

March 27 - Contrasts
Dark vs light,
smooth vs jagged,
sharp vs soft.

March 26 - Columns
Natures columns stretching from ground to sky.

March 25 - Clouds
When the sky is completely grey and one lonely little cloud floats by
you work on your framing to make it worth while.

March 24 - Close Up
This is what happens when you shoot your crystal ball close up.

March 23 - City Street Scenes
A busy intersection at night. Wait....that’s a lot of movement for a red light isn’t it?

March 22 - Circles
I feel like the winter is just going around in circle of snow.
It melts and it snows; it melts and it snows.
Here it is melting on my round table creating actual circles in the snow.

March 21 - Choice
Practicing with cheesy apps that entertain my junior high photography class.

March 20 - Cats
This cool cat doesn't have any real cats...
so these cute little cats will just have to do.

March 18 - Bikes
Let me tell you...
it's a good thing I looked ahead yesterday;
because if I had put this bike back in the shed,
and then had to get it out again today I would have lost my mind.
The story in this picture shows why this is a ridiculous subject for our climate right now.
Even the dwarfs in the background are not impressed. LOL

March 17 - Bicycle Parts
...but why?
It's March in Calgary.
The bike was in the shed.
The shed was frozen shut.
Oh well.... at least I got my exercise getting out my photographic subject. (sigh)

March 15 - Architecture
Creativity abound in architecture.
The result in my school is...
Outside, inside, outside, inside, outside!
With this lovely courtyard in the middle of the building with dual entrances
The students spend much time going outside to inside and inside to out.

March 16 - Back Alley
This is certainly not a photographic subject
I would have sought out if it were not for a project to do.
In search of something interesting towards the core of the city we went.

March 14 - Abstract
The art of living and a sense of tranquility go together like oil and water....
every time the colours seem to begin to shine through
another bubble pops up to create a new unique version of reality.

March 13 - Fruit
A Breakfast Triptych for your morning enjoyment.
Thought I would take today's opportunity to try my first Triptych -
a picture on three panels; a set of three associated images intended to be together.

March 12 - Stone
Got myself some of those cute little models to shoot with
so thought I would put one of them on a stone to inspire todays shoot.

March 11 - Photo Manipulation
Watch the light dance in the dark winter sky.
The natural beauty of the universe is stunning on it's own;
however; today's project was photo manipulation.
Adobe Lightroom preset fun
after a night shooting astrophotography at
Big Hill Springs Provincial Park.

March 10 - Addictions
The addiction of many of us doing a 365 day photo challenge.
Where do you store your equipment?

March 8 - Fire
A little photoshop adds some fun to the burning fires.

March 9 - Pets
Why is the food always better when it is on the floor?

March 7 - Trains
Advise for living...
“Little Engine That Could - "I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I know I can.”
― Watty Piper, The Little Engine That Could
― Watty Piper, The Little Engine That Could

March 6 - Strength
The strength and power of a mini-avalanche.
The forceful strength of Mother Nature almost beat us.
Our bbq shelter about to collapse under the near foot of snow on top of it
needed to be cleared by my husband on a ladder with a shovel...
and the snow came a tumbling' down!

March 5 - Friends
Friendship knows not the boundaries of
age, gender, race, or religion.
It only knows
patience, kindness and understanding.
It is experienced in moments of
gentleness, quiet and peace.
May your days bring you friendship
from unexpected places;
that you may experience
in unexpected ways;
to build a life of loving memories that will provide forbearance of all hardship and pain.

March 4 - Lines
Lines, lines, everywhere there's lines.
Blockin' out the scenery, break-in' my mind
See this, don't see that, can you count the lines?
(lyrics sheepishly and cheerily rewritten from Signs by Five Man Electrical Band)

March 3 - Black and White
Naturally black and white.
Right now it seems the whole world is white.
The black accessories in my yard that aren't buried really pop.
No conversion or photoshop needed here - this is exactly as it looks.

March 2 - Favourite Book
These days anything written by Dr. Seuss is a favourite in this house.

March 1 - Favourite Shoes
Don't you step on my blue suede dancing shoes.